Why You Should Attend:
This Studio Briefing features a wide-ranging discussion covering the current international IP dispute resolution landscape and key considerations to address when managing cross-border IP disputes. Our faculty will review how various international IP dispute resolution regimes may align and stand apart. Featuring leading representatives from the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, the Singaporean IP dispute resolution setting will serve as a point of comparison when discussing the international dispute resolution environment.
What You Will Learn:
After completing this program, participants will be able to:
- Explain the nature of cross-border IP disputes
- Assess the suitability of different Dispute Resolution/Alternative Dispute Resolution options for cross border IP disputes
- Compare Singapore’s IP Dispute Resolution/Alternative Dispute Resolution Hub with other international IP dispute resolution approaches
- Review the arbitrability of IP dispute resolution in Singapore and compare Singapore International Arbitration Centre with the other arbitration centres
Who Should Attend:
Specifically curated for U.S. legal professionals, this series showcases IP thought leaders from across the globe. Each episode features an IP organization, an IP theme, or IP issues from a country or region.
PLI’s Studio Briefings are on-demand video CLE programs that feature an intimate and engaging round table discussion format with legal and industry experts addressing a range of topics. Visit our landing page for our library of PLI Studio Briefings.
Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this program represent those of individual speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of PLI.