12-Hour Program

See Credit Details Below


Why You Should Attend

Data privacy and cybersecurity are among the most important issues for organizations today, as businesses are driven by data and digital assets. The Internet, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and evolving information technologies employ powerful tools for the collection, use, storage, and disposal of personal information. These data trends create a wide range of compliance risk and liability issues, while raising the stakes for protecting such data in increasingly challenging risk environments, ranging from internal vulnerabilities to criminal cyberattacks and other threats. Legislators, regulators, and courts are rapidly developing new laws and compliance obligations to address the privacy and cybersecurity implications of our expanding information economy and its continuously evolving risks. This annual conference focuses on the latest developments, coupled with strategic approaches, with the goal of keeping attorneys and other privacy and cybersecurity professionals informed and up-to-date and ready to respond effectively in this complex and dynamic area.

What You Will Learn 

After completing this program, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify what’s new regarding US privacy frameworks, from coast-to-coast and at the federal level
  • Apply lessons learned from recent FTC and state attorney general enforcement actions
  • Understand privacy considerations in the US and globally for employers monitoring and managing employees as they work-on-site, from home and everywhere in between
  • Know the latest developments beyond the US, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and compare trends in global data protection law developments
  • Recognize ethical and cyber-risk management issues in using information and technology
  • Keep up with cybersecurity challenges using a tabletop approach
  • Discuss strategies for minimizing AdTech risk
  • Define key components of implementing privacy and cybersecurity measures, drawing on the insights of CPOs and CISOs

Who Should Attend

This program is designed for attorneys and professionals who provide advice on information data privacy and cybersecurity strategy, compliance, and risk management issues. This program will presume a general familiarity with privacy and data security issues and is intended for intermediate to advanced professionals looking to hone their skills.

Special Feature

  • Earn Continuing Privacy Education credit

Program Level: Overview

Prerequisites: An interest in privacy and cybersecurity issues.

Advanced Prep: None

Credit Details