3-Hour Program

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Why You Should Attend

From the Internet of Things, to machine learning, to lightening-speed data transfer across the globe, the technology sector is increasingly adopting artificial intelligence solutions that present unique legal challenges. If you work at or counsel a technology company or any other company that creates or works with data-sharing technologies or services or artificial intelligence offerings to support or enhance business methods – which probably means most companies today – this program will provide you with guidance on the legal risks associated with these technologies and services, best practices and how to anticipate and mitigate relevant risks.


What You Will Learn

Hear current best practices in protecting and exploiting data to ensure compliance with law, including data privacy law

Learn how to anticipate and address ethical issues raised by AI and data-centric business models

Explore IP and product liability issues in the autonomous realm

Recognize key substantive areas likely to spark litigation over AI-based systems and best practices for risk management

Investigate potential uses and impediments of AI in the judicial process


Who Should Attend

Intellectual property, privacy, litigation and corporate counsel focused on developing or implementing policies to mitigate risks associated with the exploitation of data, artificial intelligence and related products and services should attend this program. Additionally, in-house counsel involved with: (i) data privacy compliance; (ii) assessment of data collection, sharing and retention practices, as well as AI product deployment; (iii) litigation risk management in AI development and exploitation and (iv) addressing the ethical challenges raised by AI solutions, will find this program particularly valuable.

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