
An experienced attorney, board member, and former state regulator, Teri Quimby speaks to global audiences on issues of public policy, governance, corporate law, and regulatory compliance. Understanding the gaps that can exist between government and business, Teri utilizes her legal and regulatory experience to create dialogue and educate her audiences on ways to bridge these gaps. Teri’s board experience includes appointments by state governors, election to local office by community voters, national association leadership positions, and serving as an officer of an SEC-regulated corporate board. 

Teri earned her LL.M. in Corporate Law: Regulatory Analysis & Compliance from Widener University-Delaware Law School. As the author of “Government Agencies: Effective Compliance and Ethics Programs are Necessary for Public Trust,” Teri is honored to be a continuing contributor to SCCE’s The Complete Compliance and Ethics Manual 2022, which is distributed globally. Teri is also honored to be a contributing author to the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA) publication “The ACSA Guide to Starting and Operating a Distillery E-Book.”

She helps people choose words intentionally and effectively; this includes teaching Legal Drafting, a required third-year writing course, as an Adjunct Professor at Western Michigan University-Cooley Law School. 

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