
Labor Management Law Answer Book is a concise overview of the controlling provisions of the NLRA and the other major federal labor legislation. Reflecting the in-depth knowledge and experience of the authors, in question-and-answer format, it walks the reader through every requirement of federal law, including:

  • Obligations under executive orders affecting labor relations of federal contractors
  • Federal preemption of state regulation
  • Reporting requirements of unions and employers
  • Protected and unprotected activity
  • Duty to bargain
  • Unfair labor practice case procedures, and
  • Regulation of union dues and administration

Labor Management Law Answer Book also provides:

  • A concise guide to all of the requirements of the NLRA, LMRA, LMRDA and other federal statutes
  • Detailed guidance on what is and is not permitted activity by both unions and employers in any negotiation
  • Coverage of emerging issues of critical importance like collective bargaining in the public sector
  • The context and analysis necessary to effectively plan and execute a labor strategy against the backdrop of complex and constantly evolving federal law, and
  • Relevant planning opportunities and strategies to optimize proactive decision-making
Publication Date: June 2021
ISBN: 9781402437816
Page Count: 712 pages
Number of Volumes: 1

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